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Hopefully this page will answer some of your frequently asked questions involving discipline and grading! If you have any other questions, please contact your teacher by email or call the school at 936-597-7070.

What are the class rules?

Classroom Rules:

1. Be in your seat when the bell rings.

2. Speak only with permission

3. Have all materials and assignments ready. This will consist of your binder, spiral, planner, and pencil.

4. Wait for instruction from teacher before attempting to use materials for any and all labs.

5. Always follow lab safety procedures.

6. Respect others right to learn. Speak softly; don’t interrupt and be aware of your actions at all times.

7. Keep your hands and feet to yourself. Respect one another’s space and each other’s property.

8. Follow all school rules.

9. Always attempt to do your best!

10. HAVE FUN!!

What are the consequences for breaking a rule?


If a student chooses to break a rule, the following consequences will be applied:


1. First Offense: Verbal Warning


2. Second Offense: Student may have his/her seat changed, lunch detention assigned and/or loss of      PAT time (Preferred Activity Time).


3. Third Offense: Call parent or guardian and loss of privileges.


4. Fourth Offense: Office Visit


**Depending on the severity of the offense, the student may be sent to the office immediately.

How does grading work in science?

Grading ~ Averages will be calculated as follows:

  • Daily Grades – 40% (Warm-ups, Labs, Daily Work)

  • Test Grades  –  60% (Tests, Projects)


Extra Credit~ All extra credit is determined independently by each science teacher.




FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) 

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